Life is too short to do something that doesn't bring you joy.


A rising tide lifts all boats.


You are in control of your thoughts, actions, and destiny.


We're Oscar & Anna

We are Anna and Oscar, a couple of creators behind Lustland. We have over 12 years of experience in photography and filmmaking.

We started getting paid to create thirst traps 4 years ago and haven't looked back since!

 We recently started sharing our knowledge in hope to make the world a sexier place. 😏our mission is to help as many people create stunning photos and videos for themselves or their clients.

We are SUPER excited for the rest of 2024! We have TONS of education coming your way as well as other awesome surprises that you'll want to stay tuned for! 👏

"I've spent so much money on education and so much of it is a waste because it doesn’t teach me what I’ve been craving. Your course is one of the only ones I’ve truly valued and watched multiple times and still learn something new! Keep kicking ass in the industry cause I appreciate all I’ve learned!" 

- Britney

"If you're thinking about diving into film to take your boudoir business to the next level, I definitely recommend purchasing! This course is something new that caters specifically to boudoir photographers! I haven't seen a program like it before. I bought this course to learn something new and learning video has helped my business by giving me something new to offer to my clients!"

- Heather